One-stop Solution for
Create Online Exam

Best-selling exam system and more stable than expected

Easy to organize online exam with intelligent creating,anti-cheating, statistic analysis and other features

Best-selling exam system and more stable than expectedEasy to organize online exam with intelligent creating,anti-cheating, statistic analysis and other functions

Online exam maker-Introduction vedio
Provide Solutions for Different Kinds of Test

Recruitment Exam

Useful system to creating test for social recruitment, 
campus recruitment, job fairs,etc

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Training Test

training, business capability assessment, quarterly assessment, intelligent statistical analysis greatly reduce the workload of managers

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Professional Competition

Answer questions online to maker the competition more interesting, support to add prizes

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School Exam,Mock Exam and Practice

One-stop service for various exams such as monthly exam and final exam; more intelligent anti-cheat functions such as face recognition

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Quiz Game

Create an interesting quiz game and add prizes to let students feel the joy of learning

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Question System

Draw questions from the question bank and the wrong questions re-training, not only pursue quantity, but also pursue quality

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Register System

Build your register system for registering and testingSupport to charge per candidates

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IQ Test

Share the IQ test in the circle of friends, call friends to challenge to win the prize

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Our Advantages

One-stop Service for Exams

Intelligent and flexible to create exams, support multiple question types and quickly import tens of thousands of questions

Students can view their exam taking record and wrong question collection on the back-end

Support over 10,000 candidates to test on PC side or mobile phone simultaneously

Auto- judgment and intelligent statistical analysisreal-time examination conditions and exportable analysis report

Intelligent and flexible to create exams,Support to take exams on PC side and mobile phone

Auto- judgment and intelligent statistical analysi

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Pay for Learning

Support to creating paid exam and courses to earn money

Support to creating paid exam and courses to earn money

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Intelligent Anti-cheating Function

Face recognition, camera invigilation, forbid switching screen

A series of anti-cheating ways to make the exam safer

Face recognition, camera invigilation, forbid switching screen

>A series of anti-cheating ways to make the exam safer

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Student Management

Candidates Management:

batch import candidates and photos

support to charge student when they want to register for your exam or courses

Candidates can query score, ranking and exam report by themselves

Sub-administrator Management:

Super administrator can set sub-administrators to share out the work

Candidates Management:batch import candidates and photossupport to charge student when they want to register for your exam or coursesCandidates can query score, ranking and exam report by themselves

Sub-administrator Management:Super administrator can set sub-administrators to share out the work

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Personalized Setting

Add background theme,logo and name about your brand

Addon domain and customize the content of your homepage to make a personalized exam maker

Add background theme、logo and name about your brand

Addon domain and customize the content of your homepage to make a personalized exam maker

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Over 353,98 Clients use our system to make exam

Common choice of different industries

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0 Million+
Total taken times
Taken time per day
Total question quantity
Total candidates quantity

Our Clients

more stable than expected, over 100 thousand users use it every moment

Online Exam Maker VS LAN Exam Maker

You can choose online version or lan version according to you needs.

Pros of Online Version
  • LOGOSave the cost of hardware
  • LOGOQuickly to enjoy new functions
  • LOGOInformation Security Guarantee
  • LOGOSupport to pay monthly or yearly

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Pros of LAN Version
  • 优考试LOGONo need for R&D Team, just download and install
  • 优考试LOGOCan be accessed via LAN and Internet
  • 优考试LOGOstandalone server, high stability
  • 优考试LOGOlump-sum payment, free upgrade for lifelong

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