How can online exam be effective against cheating?

Five effective measures to make cheating impossible

Powerful Face Recognition

Only if the faces match photos can candidates take exams, preventing surrogate exam-taker

Video Surveillance

Open the surveillance camera, capture the test-taking process

Real-time shooting to record any actions of candidates

Administrator can load pictures at anytime

(Only can be used on PC side)

Open the surveillance camera, capture the test-taking process

Real-time shooting to record any actions of candidates

Administrator can load pictures at anytime

(Only can be used on PC side)

Limit the times of switching screen

The system will end the ongoing test automatically if it find one switch the screen to search answers

The system will end the ongoing test automatically if it find one switch the screen to search answers

Question Settings

Question Settings

Random exam

select questions randomly from certain question bank to make the questions of every candidate different

select questions randomly from certain question bank to make the questions of every candidate different

Random order

make every question out of order

make every question out of order

Random options

make the options of multiple choice out of order

Huundreds of setting for various types of exams

Forcibly Occupy the Whole Screen

When taking exams on PC side, the online test will forcibly occupy the whole screen so that candidates couldn’t switch the screen

When taking exams on PC side, the online test will forcibly occupy the whole screen so that candidates couldn’t switch the screen

Time Limit and Account Permission

Limit the time of the whole test, the system will end automatically if the time is over

Limit the time of per question, candidate can’t answer if the time is over

One account only can be logged on one device at the same time

Open the automatically submitting functions, the system will submit automatically if candidates have been offline for an hour or the opening time is ended

Limit the time of the whole test, the system will end automatically if the time is over

Limit the time of per question, candidate can’t answer if the time is over

One account only can be logged on one device at the same time